

Is that there is no better way to share with our friends than with an armed grill at home, charcoal ribs, cassava and a social drink, music to accord the place and some old friends to talk. This formidable environment makes our lives relaxed and fills us with peace and joy.

And what else does a good preparation make the difference, create harmony among their friends, for this we give the following advice. Go to the nearest meat establishments for your community, get the fresh ribs and prepare them hours before with natural seasonings.

Costillas de cerdo

2 1/4 lbs pork ribs
3 cloves of crushed garlic
1 1/2 Tablespoons brown sugar
1 1/2 Teaspoons of mustard powder
2 Teaspoons of oil
1 Tin (400 ml) of crushed tomatoes
1 1/2 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 Tablespoon olive oil
1/3 Cup of apple cider vinegar
1 1/2 Tablespoon dark soy
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 Small onion, cut in cubes
1 1/2 Tablespoons maple syrup
3/4 Tablespoons of paprika

It is good to add a little sour orange juice and oregano to taste note: (a considerable time of repose makes the pork ribs take a better taste, a formidable taste to your meats.

Consider the charcoal grill at a considerable height where your meats are not burned by the close or not cooked to the desired point. If it is pleasant to use the BBQ sauce then, this gives a perfect finish.

Accompany all this with cassava cassava or boiled yucca or perhaps boiled green bananas, you can place some onions to the vinaigrette that give it its exquisite touch.

In this way we finish our 
Grilled pork ribs
 In the style of DeParrillada.blogspot.com



Pork, apple and cheese skewers
Pork ribs, chicken skewers, chicken breastsChicken thigh


3 to 4 beef meats (first class)
3 to 4 pork meats (ribs)
2 to 6 Chorizos
2 to 6 chicken skewers (with ajies and apple)
3 chicken breasts
3 chicken muzlos

To mark before placing the meat on the grill.

 1 sour orange (or lemon)
 4 cloves of garlic (or to taste.)
 1/2 cup of oregano (or to taste.)
 1 teaspoon salt.
 Zason liquid (mixture of ajie, garlic, pepper).


With 2 hours of anticipation season the meats of beef, pork and chicken with onion, garlic, pepper and salt, plus sour orange.

Turn on the grill, wait for the charcoal to burn and not cover with gray ash. Place the meat, sausages, skewers and sausages on the grill.

Apart mix maggi sauce, oil, beer and lemon juice in a bowl. With the help of flaked onions, varnish the meats, while they are on the grill.

Serve hot with guacamole (or avocado pepper) ears and potatoes.

Useful advice:

All roasts should be sprayed frequently during cooking with the zason previously speckled to prevent them from drying out and obtaining the best flavor to taste.

In this way we finish our Parrillada Mixta
 In the style of DeParrillada.



 The pork offers a number of preparation on the grill you can start from the tenderloin, the ribs, chops, legs in order a number that can do what you want.

A piece of pork leg (it is the piece that is used for fillets). It is bought whole, without splitting and that it is cleaned of fat as much as possible (cleaned of). You can ask for the weight (I usually buy 4 Kg)

- Stuffing (you have to chop everything very often, in the chopper is great):
- Raisins without bone
- Olives without bone
- Capers
- Serrano ham
- Sauce
- 2 onions
- 2 Garlic
- 1/2 Olive oil
- 1 teaspoon of Oregano
- 1 sweet paprika
- Salt to taste)
- Orange juice (at least 6 oranges)
- Cloves

Preparation: Pork leg with orange

1- Clean the fat from the meat as much as possible. Make holes in the meat and fry it with the previously chopped filling.

2- Beat the ingredients of the sauce in the blender (it has to be quite thick) Put the pork once stuffed in a baking dish and cover with the sauce. Spread cloves on the pork (being careful not to overdo it, which is very strong in flavor). Cover the source with albal (better put chopsticks in the meat so that the albal is not stuck) and put in the refrigerator at least one night.

3- Uncover the meat and roast in a medium oven 2 or 3 hours (for a piece of 2-3 kg), spraying occasionally with orange juice. You have to pour a lot of juice, otherwise the broth is too short and too concentrated. To see if the meat is made it can be punctured with a long needle; if the needle comes out clean is that the center of the piece is made, if it comes out with juice and pinches of meat is that it is still raw

4- It can be served separately, the meat in a dish decorated with pineapple and cherries and the sauce is added later.

In this way we finish
 In the style of Parrillada.blogspot.com



If the chicken KABOBS are your whim, do not wait any longer .. !!

If you want some great spikes we have to prepare it to your liking and for this we give you the following ideas.

If your spikes you like with vegetables and you are lovers of chili peppers, you have the option of putting together a skewer with panca, yellow, red or silky peppers. to these we can add your chicken meat of the part that you like and season them with natural sazones like oregano, sour orange, onion, garlic, onion, ajiba cubanela.

Chicken skewers


700 g of chicken breast.
1 red pepper
1 green pepper
2 lemons.
Olive oil.
Salt and pepper to taste.

all these you can include in a blender, first the ajies cubanela, with the onion and garlic plus a touch of salt to your liking, a little sour of the oranges and there is a little oregano for the final touch.

Take the meat, divide it into slices and apply the seasoning, you can do the slices at your whim taking into account that the seasonings can be applied and cooked to the point, preferably thumb size.

Once seasoned the chicken slices, you use PINCHOS LACOR INOX 20 CM BROOCHES with which you place the slices, you can combine them with peppers, mushrooms, onions, and zucchini or simply chicken.

Once finished this process you just have to place them on the grill and wait until they are golden brown to the point. Between 10 and 15 minutes or until the chicken cooks well, turning them once and frequently spreading them with barbecue sauce. Serve with additional barbecue sauce.

In this way we finish our chicken skewers
 In the style of Parrillada.


Como armar tu propia parrillada

Parrilla al Carbon
Quieres armar tu propia  Parrillada en casa y no sabes como..!! This web site in grid to create a perfect parrillada how you like.

Para empezar tienes que tener como requisito una parrilla, carbón, fósforos, un palo de cuava o estilla de árbol seca que se pueda prender con facilidad.

Una vez obtenidos estos requisitos empiezas con la colocación de la parrilla, añades el carbón debajo de la parrilla, cerciorándose de que la altura sea propicia de más o menos 1/2 pie. de alto si es una parrilla cacera.

De lo contrario si es un barbacue no es necesario ya que su parrilla esta a una altura especifica pero puede que allá que propiciar el fuego adecuado para la preparación de las carnes.

En tu parrillada para que el fuego este concentrado y pueda dar el ardor deseado es necesario que gran parte del carbon este encendido creando un entorno completamente cálido. luego comienza la parte interesante.

En De Parrillada una de las cosas mas importantes que hacemos son la preparación de las  carnes con su sazón único que le va a dar a tu parrillada el toque que todos esperan.

De Parrillada Mixta.
Si en casa solo tienes la parrilla y no cuentas con un  barbacue no es problema.

Solo tienes que conseguir una parrilla de acero inoxidable, le agregas cuatro patas para sostenerla, y en tu patio le agregas carbón a tu gusto. 

Sazonadas tus carnes la puedes agregar a la parrilla y esperar a que estén doraditas. 

Parrillada de Chuleta de Cerdo y Pollo

Costillas de Cerdo
Salsa hunt's

Luego si te gusta la salsa de barbacue preferiblemente, u otra que desees, tomas una brocha (brush) le das el toque de queda y listo.

And that's listo para servir.. Atractivo con tu toque personalizado al estilo De Parrillada.

Pollo a la Parrilla
Cerdo a la Parrilla

In this way we finish
 In the style of Parrillada.blogspot.com