
Cheese burger double

When we talk about hamburger we immediately think of which commercial establishment to visit ... haaa but ¡why not better not prepare them in our own backyard! As Deparrilla brings you the best recipe to prepare delicious cheeseburgers with double cheese at home.

 I - Ingredients for 5 or 6 burgers

• 1 sliced onion (if preferred)
• Worcestershire Sauce (Lea & Perrins)
•  1 tablespoon oregano
• 550 g of minced beef
• 550 g of minced pork
• White wine vinegar
• White pepper
• 2 cloves of garlic
• Soy sauce
• 1 1/2 egg
• Salt

First we use a container to place the ground meats, pour them to mix the garlic cloves, a teaspoon a half Worcestershire sauce, white wine vinegar and soy sauce, pepper to taste, egg and a half, and a pinch of salt and mix all the ingredients until they are even.

After a few minutes we make a slice of the same form of the bread with the prepared meat and we put it to the grill.

II - Ingredients

1. Bread for hamburger
2. Lettuce
3. Tomatoes
4. Sliced cheese (slices)
5. Sliced gherkin
6. Sliced onion
7. Ketchup
8. Mayonnaise
9. Mustard(optional)

In this way we finish our 
Cheese burger double
 In the style of DeParrillada.blogspot.com


The power of the barbecue

In Deparrillada a good barbecue has the power to gather the family from the youngest to the largest, the friends and also the most romantic couples around a variety of juicy meats and spicy sausages at their point accompanied by A delicious red wine a good beer or a good refreshment. Although it seems easy to light the embers in the style of Deparrillada, choose the dressings, cuts and place them on the grill, in fact this cooking technique requires time, patience and a lot of dedication to give the target the flavor and texture.


Grilled pork loin

Grilled pork loin 
Very soon in Deparrillada.blogspot.com



When we decide to get together with our friends, there is nothing better than going to the park ... it is where we think and what to do to give them! Because in the style Deparrillada.Blogspot.com we offer you some delicious Shrimp Skewers on the grill. For this we will need the following ingredients.


2  lbs shrimp
1/2   pepper (Red, Yellow or Green) Small cube chopped
1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
1 cup sour orange juice
1/2 spoonful of garlic
1/4 Tablespoon oregano


We take a glass bowl and add the 2 pounds of shrimp, all around a little garlic, and the ground oregano room, the place of orange juice and a flicker of salt to taste. Carefully stir the shrimp until they are well soaked with the ingredients

Important note: it is good to leave the seasoned shrimp at least half an hour before placing it on skewers to grill, this will make our shrimp take the flavor of the ingredients

In this way we finish our Grilled shrimp skewers
 In the style of DeParrillada.blogspot.com